The Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Management Board held the biannual business meeting on September 30. A highlight of the meeting was the vote to accept two new organizations to the management Board: Nestle Purina, represented by Jack Scott, and Ruffed Grouse Society, represented by Brent Rudolph. Both motions were passed with no dissents, and there was strong support by current board membership for the additions.

Having the business sector represented on the board by Nestle Purina demonstrates the JV’s desire to embrace different perspectives to bring diverse ideas and opinions to the JV table. Specifically, Nestle Purina PetCare has a clear focus on supporting ecosystems, including soil, water, and biodiversity and wildlife, to achieve the company’s commitments and sustainability goals. As Nestle Purina’s board representative, Jack Scott brings a passion for conservation and strong partnerships as well as branding and marketing experience.

The Ruffed Grouse Society (RGS) is a natural fit for the JV’s Management Board, strongly supporting efforts that benefit forest health and conservation of birds and other wildlife. RGS actively partners with federal, state, and local agencies and other NGOs to deliver on-the-ground conservation programs, including several that prioritize conservation for golden-winged and Kirtland’s warblers. As RGS’s representative, Brent Rudolph brings his experience overseeing on-the-ground conservation coordination, policy and legislative experience, and expertise on human dimensions.

The JV welcomes these organizations and their representatives as we look forward to expanding our impact on habitat conservation in our region.

“Golden-Winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera)” by acryptozoo is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit