GIS Datasets – Waterbird

Breeding Waterbird Distribution
Density and distribution of important breeding habitats for waterbirds in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region.

Non-breeding Waterbird Distribution/Wetland Area
Distribution of areas with most important non-breeding habitats and limited wetland coverage for waterbirds in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region.

Breeding and Non-breeding Waterbird Distribution
Combined distributions of breeding and non-breeding waterbird habitats of greatest biological importance in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region.

Locations of Waterbird Watching (12 focal species)
Distribution of waterbird viewing activities in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region.

Conservation Opportunities Associated with Bird Watching
Density and distribution of waterbird viewing activities in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region.

Decision Support Tool: mixed-model
Mixed-model of the Decision support tool (DST) to target waterbird habitat conservation in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region. The DST is an integration of biological and social objectives using model-based maps weighted by regional waterbird stakeholders. State and BCR boundaries (black and blue lines) designate the State x BCR polygons linked to JV waterbird habitat retention and restoration objectives.

Decision Support Tool: biological-model
Biological-model of the Decision support tool (DST) to target waterbird habitat conservation in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region.

Decision Support Tool: social-model
Social-model of the Decision support tool (DST) to target waterbird habitat conservation in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture (JV) region.

Common Loon: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution of Common Loon. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from several sources collected over multiple years during June–August: Breeding Bird Survey (2007–2016), eBird (2007–2016), and Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016). Note: Individuals observed (eBird) in the south half of the JV region during summer were assumed to be first-year non-breeders and thus observations in BCR 22 were omitted from the map.

Common Loon: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for Common Loon. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for Common Loon was depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.

American Bittern: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution of American Bittern. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from several sources collected over multiple years during May–July: Breeding Bird Survey (2007–2016), eBird (2007–2016), and Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016).

American Bittern: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for American Bittern. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for American Bittern were depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.

Black-crowned Night-Heron: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution for Black-crowned Night-Heron. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from several sources collected over multiple years during the months June and July: Breeding Bird Survey (2007–2016), eBird (2007–2016), Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016), and the Great Lakes Colonial Waterbird Survey (2007–2010).

Black-crowned Night-Heron: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for Black-crowned Night-Heron. Wetlands with predicted highest suitability for breeding and within areas known to have breeding colonies of Black-crown Night-Herons (see breeding occurrence map) were extracted from the NWI. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for Black-crowned Night-Heron were depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.

Yellow Rail: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution for Yellow Rail. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from several sources collected over multiple years during the months June–August: Breeding Bird Survey (2007–2016), eBird (2007–2016), and Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016).

Yellow Rail: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for Yellow Rail. Wetlands with predicted highest suitability for breeding were extracted from the NWI. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for Yellow Rail was depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.

King Rail: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution of King Rail. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from two sources collected over multiple years during the months May–July: eBird (2007–2016) and Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016).

King Rail: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for King Rail. Wetlands with predicted highest suitability for breeding were extracted from the NWI. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for King Rail was depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.

Sora: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution of Sora. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from various sources collected over multiple years during the months June and July: Breeding Bird Survey (2007–2016), eBird (2007–2016), and Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016).

Sora: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for Sora. Wetlands with predicted highest suitability for breeding were extracted from the NWI. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for Sora was depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.

Common Tern: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution of Common Tern. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from several sources collected over multiple years during the months June and July: Breeding Bird Survey (2007–2016), eBird (2007–2016), Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016), and Great Lakes Colonial Waterbird Survey (2007–2010). Note: Records from the GLCWS and MMP identify breeding colonies; eBird points reflect birder observations during the breeding period but some were likely migrating birds (most observations in BCR 22 were omitted from map).

Common Tern: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for Common Tern. Wetlands with predicted highest suitability for breeding were extracted from the NWI. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for Common Tern were depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.

Black Tern: occurrence during breeding period
Population distribution of Black Tern. Occurrence across the JV region during the breeding period was determined using data from several sources collected over multiple years during the months of June and July: Breeding Bird Survey (2007–2016), eBird (2007–2016), Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (2005–2016), and Great Lakes Colonial Waterbird Survey (2007–2010).

Black Tern: predicted breeding habitat suitability
Density and distribution of breeding habitats for Black Tern. Wetlands with predicted highest suitability for breeding were extracted from the NWI. Using kernel density analysis, distribution of the most suitable habitats for Black Tern were depicted across the JV region and surrounding areas. Areas with relatively high LSI scores are also predicted to be beneficial for other breeding wetland birds using this habitat type.