Science Foundation
JV Flex Fund Grant
The Joint Ventures – Improving the Science Foundation for Bird Conservation program, also known as the JV Flex Fund grant program, provides support to conservation partners in the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes JV and the Minnesota and Iowa portions of the Prairie Pothole JV to facilitate projects that address priorities defined in JV Implementation Plans. Projects that focus on monitoring and applied research topics that will improve JV conservation decision tools at larger scales, or projects that address JV focal species or priorities in State Wildlife Action Plans are typically given higher priority. However, projects that focus on coordination, outreach, and/or habitat restoration/enhancement that contribute towards goals in JV plans are also considered. All proposals must have a minimum 1:1 match of non-federal dollars to Joint Venture request.
Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes JV Flex-Fund Proposals are reviewed and ranked by the Technical Committee. Please review JV Research and Monitoring Priorities and take a look at past funded JV Projects and Publications to get an idea of the types of projects that are typically funded. Prospective applicants are encouraged to discuss potential proposals with Joint Venture staff.
***There is no funding opportunity available at this time. Stay tuned for updates on this program.***
Habitat Improvement
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
The North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) of 1989 was passed, in part, to support activities associated with implementation of objectives under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. The scope of NAWCA has since been expanded to include the conservation of all birds and habitats associated with wetland ecosystems. Funds from NAWCA are used to acquire, restore, or enhance wetland and associated upland habitats in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
A key guiding principle of the NAWCA program is to accomplish program objectives through partnerships – as such, NAWCA funds must be matched by non-federal partners at least a 1:1 ratio. This formula has been highly successful; as of 2010, the NAWCA program has leveraged over $1.08 billion in NAWCA funds with $2.24 billion in partner contributions to affect 25.9 million acres of habitat. The NAWCA grants program is administered by the Division of Bird Habitat Conservation of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and there are typically three NAWCA proposal cycles per year – two “Standard” grant cycles, which are for larger projects with an up to $3 million funding request, and one “Small” grant cycle, for projects with smaller scopes that have up to a $250,000 funding request. While criteria and match requirements are the same as a NAWCA Standard Grant, the Small Grants program is often a good fit for new NAWCA applicants, as funding priority is given to partners new to the NAWCA grant program.
For more information, visit the NAWCA website. Learn more about NAWCA Standard Grants or NAWCA Small Grants, how to apply, and application deadlines, at their respective websites.
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative – Great Lakes Watershed Habitat and Species Restoration Initiative
Building on the work of the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force and the associated Great Lakes Regional Strategy, The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) was started in 2009. The overarching objective of GLRI is to protect and restore ecosystems associated with the largest complex of freshwater lakes on earth – the Great Lakes. The current GLRI Action Plan outlines this strategy from 2020-2024.
Funding is distributed by the Environmental Protection Agency to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), in order to facilitate implementation of GLRI objectives. Projects undertaken by the FWS through GLRI are addressing a wide variety of issues associated with Great Lakes ecosystem health through both research and on-the-ground implementation.
FWS GLRI funds are distributed to the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes JV and the Atlantic Coast JV through the Great Lakes Watershed Habitat and Species Restoration Initiative. The goal of this initiative is to protect and restore migratory bird habitat within Great Lakes watersheds through a competitive, partnership-based grants program.
The FY2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity is now open for applications! Download this NOFO, and/or search for Opportunity Number F24AS00232 at or Please note that you must apply through (not for your application to be accepted. Due date for applications into GrantSolutions is March 18th, 2024.