Reports and publications resulting from JV-supported research and monitoring
Reports and publications resulting from JV-supported research and monitoring, 2005–23. Only projects with JV financial support or direct collaboration from JV staff included (last updated 22 February 2024).
Bouton, A. F., M. J. Anteau, E. J. Smith, H. M. Hagy, J. D. Lancaster, and C. N. Jacques. 2023. Lipid metabolites index habitat quality for Canvasbacks on stopover areas during spring migration. Ornithological Applications, 126: 1–12.
Brewer, D. E., T. M. Gehring, B. T. Shirkey, and J. W. Simpson. 2023. King Rail (Rallus elegans) response to audio playback: Implications for population estimation, monitoring methodology, and trapping approach. Journal of Field Ornithology 94(2):7.
Brewer, D. E., T. M. Gehring, M. M. Garcia, B. R. Shirkey, J. W. Simpson, A. M. V. Fournier. 2023. King rail (Rallus elegans) home range and microhabitat characteristics in western Lake Erie coastal marshes. Ecology and Evolution. 13(4), 1-16.
Beilke, S., E. Rowan, S. Saunders, K. Davis, A. Jahn, and D. Moore. 2022. Revealing the demographic drivers of Black Tern (Chlidonias niger surinamensis) population dynamics. Final report to Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture, Project #: F19AP00025. 23pp.
Brewer, D. E., B. T. Shirkey, T. M. Gehring, M. Kane, and J. W. Simpson. 2022. Developing habitat occupancy models and addressing call-response biases for King Rails in the Great Lakes region. Final report to Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture from Central Michigan University and Winous Point Marsh Conservancy. 12pp.
Clements, S. J. 2022. Ecology of mid-continent migratory shorebirds, performance of tracking devices, and modelling snail social structure and demography. Dissertation, University of Missouri – Columbia, Missouri, USA.
Krainyk, A., G. J. Soulliere, J. M. Coluccy, B. C. Wilson, M. G. Brasher, M. A. Al-Saffar, D. D. Humburg, and J. E. Lyons. 2022. Structured decision making to rank North American Wetland Conservation Act proposals within Joint Venture regions. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.
Sea Duck Joint Venture. 2022. Sea Duck Joint Venture Strategic Plan 2022 – 2031. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska, USA; Canadian Wildlife Service, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada.
Soulliere, G. J. 2022. Qualification summary and considerations for Joint Venture Technical Committee appointments. Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2022-1, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA. 6pp.
Soulliere, G. J., M. J. Petrie, D. R. Eggeman, D. D. Humburg, M. G. Brasher, A. R. Gramza, J. C. Barnes, A. M. Bartuszevige, B. C. Wilson, K. A. Spragens, and B. A. Avers. 2022. Status of integrating human dimensions into Joint Venture bird conservation planning and habitat delivery. Unified Science Team and North American Waterfowl Management Plan Science Support Team, Technical Report No. 2022–02. 39pp.
Soulliere, G. J., B. A. Andres, M. J. Petrie, A, Mini, W. Vermillion and J. Vest. 2022. Assessing Joint Venture approaches for integrated planning and habitat delivery across bird taxa. Unified Science Team and North American Waterfowl Management Plan Science Support Team Technical Report No. 2022–1. 20pp.
Soulliere, G. J., R. J. Gates, M. W. Eichholz, D. N. Ewert, J. N. Straub, W. E. Thogmartin, M. D. Nelson, J. M. Coluccy, F. A. Nelson, and D. R. Luukkonen. 2022. Evolution of the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Technical Committee and Science Team: 2005–2022 and Roadmap Forward. Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2022-2, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Weegman, M. D., R. G. Clark, B. M. Ballard, and S. J. Clements. 2022. Quantifying individual decision-making in space and time to link habitat conservation and management at the continent-scale for long-distance migrant shorebirds. Final report to the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture. University of Missouri – Columbia, Missouri, USA.
Williams, K. A., A. M. Froehlich, R. J. Gates, L. J. Kearns, D. G. Kovar, M. Kravitz, J. M. Lautenbach, J. N. Mager, S. N. Matthews, C. K. Randall, N. A. Schell, M. Shieldcastle, B. T. Shirkey, M. B. Shumar, M. A. Al-Saffar, and M. J. Wiley. In review. Ohio All-bird Conservation Plan: 2022 Revision. Ohio Bird Conservation 22 Initiative, Columbus, OH.
Hitchcock, A. N., R. Schultheis, J. N. Straub, J. M. Collucy, T. Yerkes, and M. W. Eichholz. 2021. Variation in the diet of ducks during spring migration. Journal of Wildlife Management 1–15; 2021; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22126
Krainyk, A., J. E. Lyons, M. B. Rice, K. Fowler, G. J. Soulliere, M. G. Brasher, D. D. Humburg, J. M. Coluccy. 2021. Multicriteria decisions and portfolio analysis: Land acquisition for biological and social objectives. Ecological Applications 31(7), 2021, e02420.
Palumbo, M., J. N. Straub; M. A. Al-Saffar, G. J. Soulliere, J. Fleener, M. T. Bergeson, J. M. Coluccy, A. Cruz, T. Finger, D. N. Fowler, B. J. Glenzinski, R. K. Griffin, S. E. Hygnstrom, G. Kidd, N. A. Miller, K. Van Horn, K. Waterstradt. 2021. Multi-scale waterfowl habitat conservation planning in Wisconsin, USA. Landscape Ecology
Soulliere, G. J., and M. A. Al-Saffar. 2021. Translating landscape ecology to management: A Joint Venture approach, Chapter 16 in Porter, W.F., C.J. Parent, R.A. Stewart, and D.M. Williams, editors. Wildlife management and landscapes: principles and applications. Johns Hopkins University Press in affiliation with The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Petrie, M. E., D. D. Humburg, and G. J. Soulliere. 2021. The American Duck Hunter: Then & Now – Part I (60 years of change in the U.S. duck hunting community with focus on hunter numbers and harvest). Ducks Unlimited Magazine (invited piece), September-October issue.
Humburg, D. D., M. E. Petrie, and G. J. Soulliere. 2021. The American Duck Hunter: Then & Now – Part II (Characteristics of waterfowl hunters across the generations). Ducks Unlimited Magazine (invited piece), November-December issue.
Coluccy, J. M., K. A. Anderson, T. Yerkes and J. L. Bowman. 2020. Migration routes and chronology of American Black Duck Anas rubripes. Wildfowl 70:148–166.
Gross, M. C., S. E. McClain, J. D. Lancaster, C. N. Jacques, J. B. Davis, J. W. Simpson, A. P. Yetter, and H. M. Hagy. 2020. Variation in true metabolizable energy among aquatic vegetation and ducks. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84(4):749–758.
Gross, M. C., J. D. Lancaster, J. W. Simpson, B. T. Shirkey, S. E. McClain, C. N. Jacques, J. B. Davis, and H. M. Hagy. 2020. Energetic carrying capacity of submersed aquatic vegetation in semi-permanent wetlands important to waterfowl in the Upper Midwest. Wetlands 40:491–501.
McPherson, J. W. 2020. Estimating behavioral multipliers to American black duck and lesser scaup resting metabolic rate to better estimate daily energy expenditure and carrying capacity. Thesis, University of Delaware, Newark, USA.
Monfils, M. J., D. B. Hayes, M. Al-Saffar, G. J. Soulliere, and R. Pierce. 2020. Marsh bird population estimates to inform conservation decisions in the Midwest. Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Report Number 2020-03. Lansing, USA.
Schultz, R., J. Straub, M. Kaminski, A. Ebert. 2020. Floristic and macroinvertebrate responses to different wetland restoration techniques in southeastern Wisconsin. Wetlands 40:2025–2040.
Soulliere, G. J., M. A. Al-Saffar, K. R. VanBeek, C. M. Tonra, M. Nelson, D. Ewert, T. Will, K. E. O’Brien, W. Thogmartin, S. Kendrick, A. Gillet, J. Herkert, E. E. Gnass Giese, M. Ward, and S. Graff. 2020. Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Landbird Habitat Conservation Strategy – 2020 Revision. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Fleming, K. K., M. K. Mitchell, M. G. Brasher, J. M. Coluccy, J. D. James, M. J. Petrie, D. D. Humburg, and G. J. Soulliere. 2019. Derivation of regional, non-breeding duck population abundance objectives to inform conservation planning — 2019 Revision. North American Waterfowl Management Plan Science Support Team Technical Report 2019-01. 45pp.
Krainyk, A., J. E. Lyons, M. G. Brasher, D. D. Humburg, G. J. Soulliere, J. M. Coluccy, M. J. Petrie, D. W. Howerter, S. M. Slattery, M. B. Rice, and J. C. Fuller. 2019. Spatial integration of biological and social objectives to identify priority landscapes for waterfowl habitat conservation. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2019–1029, 41 p.,
Lancaster, J. D., S. E. McClain, M. C. Gross, C. N. Jacques, N. M. Masto, R. M. Kaminski, and H. M. Hagy. 2019. Assessment of excreta collection methods to estimate true metabolizable energy of waterfowl foods in wild ducks. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(2):282–290.
McClain, S. E., H. M. Hagy, C. S. Hine, A. P. Yetter, C. N. Jacques, and J. W. Simpson. 2019. Energetic implications of floodplain-wetland restoration strategies for waterfowl. Restoration Ecology doi: 10.1111/rec.12818.
Roy, C. L., J. B. Berdeen, and M. Clark. 2019. A demographic model for ring‐necked ducks breeding in Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1720–1734.
Saunders, S. P., K. A. L. Hall, N. Hill, and N. L. Michel. 2019. Multiscale effects of wetland availability and matrix composition on wetland breeding birds in Minnesota, USA. The Condor.
Soulliere, G. J., M. A. Al-Saffar, K. R. VanBeek, K. E. Koch, and C. M. Tonra. 2019. Stakeholder interviews to inform revision of the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Landbird Habitat Conservation Strategy – Version 2. Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2019-1, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Straub, J. 2019. Effectiveness of wetland conservation programs in the Glacial Habitat Restoration Area of Wisconsin. Final project report to Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture. University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, Grant Award F17AC00937.
Straub, J. N., M. Palumbo, J. Fleener, B. Glenzinski, D. Fowler, G. Kidd, K. Waterstradt, and S. Hygnstrom. 2019. Wisconsin Waterfowl Habitat Conservation Strategy (2020). Project #W-160-P-36; Final Report submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Boyer, R. A., J. M. Coluccy R. A. Montgomery, K. M. Redilla, and S. R. Winterstein. 2018. The effect of habitat on the breeding season survival of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in the Great Lakes region. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:700–706.
England, J. C., J. M. Levengood, J. M. Osborn, A. P. Yetter, C. D. Suski, R. A. Cole, and H. M. Hagy. 2018. Associations of intestinal helminth infections with health parameters of spring-migrating female lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) in the upper Midwest, USA. Parasitology Research
Gross, M. C. 2018. True metabolizable energy and energetic carrying capacity of submersed aquatic vegetation in semi-permanent marshes in the Upper Midwest. Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb, USA.
Lancaster, J. D., A. P. Yetter, H. M. Hagy, M. C. Gross, S. E. McClain, C. S. Hine, J. W. Simpson, and C. N. Jacques. 2018. True metabolizable energy of submersed aquatic vegetation in semi-permanent marshes for dabbling ducks in the Upper Midwest. Illinois Natural History Survey, Technical Report 2018 (42).
Merrill, L. J. M. Levengood, J. C. England, J. M. Osborn, and H. M. Hagy. 2018. Blood parasite infection linked to condition of spring-migrating Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis). Canadian Journal of Zoology 96:1145–1152
Monfils, M. J., and R. G. Corace. 2018. Marsh bird response to hydrologic alteration and restoration of wetlands in the Boreal Harwood Transition. Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Report Number 2018-08, Lansing, USA.
Roy, C. L. 2018. Nest and brood survival of ring-necked ducks in relation to anthropogenic development and wetland attributes. Avian Conservation and Ecology 13(1):20.
Simpson, J. W., B. T. Shirkey, M. A. Picciuto, H. M. Hagy, M. Kenna, and S. E. McClain. 2018. Energetic carrying capacity of submersed aquatic vegetation in semi-permanent marshes for dabbling ducks in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture. Final Report from Winous Point Marsh Conservancy to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Soulliere, G. J., M. A. Al-Saffar, R. L. Pierce, M. J. Monfils, L. R. Wires, B. W. Loges, B. T. Shirkey, N. S. Miller, R. D. Schultheis, F. A. Nelson, A. M. Sidie-Slettedahl, C. M. Tonra, and D. J. Holm. 2018. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Waterbird Habitat Conservation Strategy – 2018 Revision. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Soulliere, G. J. 2018. Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture summary of waterfowl and waterbird habitat conservation strategies. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA. 14pp.
Straub, J. N., and M. L. Schummer. 2018. Population monitoring and information needs for management and conservation of sea ducks on the Great Lakes. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2018-1, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Schummer, M. L., A. D. Afton, S. S. Badzinski, S. A. Petrie, G. H. Olsen, and M. A. Mitchell. 2018. Evaluating the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey for scaup. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1252–1262.
Cooper, N. W., M. T. Hallworth, and P. P. Marra. 2015. Light-level geolocation reveals wintering distribution, migration routes, and primary stopover locations of an endangered long-distance migratory songbird. Journal of Avian Biology 48:209–219.
England, J. C., J. M. Levengood, J. M. Osborn, A. P. Yetter, J. M. Kinsella, R. A. Cole, C. D. Suski, and H. M. Hagy. 2017. Spatiotemporal distributions of intestinal helminths in female lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) during spring migration from the upper Midwest, USA. Journal of Helminthology 91:479–490.
Fleming, K. K., M. G. Brasher, D. D. Humburg, M. J. Petrie, and G. J. Soulliere. 2017. Derivation of non-breeding duck population abundance objectives to inform regional conservation planning. North American Waterfowl Management Plan Science Support Team Technical Report 2017-01. 31pp.
Hagy, H. M., J. D. Stafford , R. V. Smith , A. P. Yetter , C. S. Hine, M. M. Horath, and C. J. Whelan. 2017. Opportunity costs influence food selection and giving-up density of dabbling ducks. Journal of Avian Biology 48:804–814.
McClain, S. E. 2017. True metabolizable energy of submersed aquatic vegetation and implications for wetland conservation planning. Thesis, Western Illinois University, Macomb, USA.
Ripper, D. and E. C. Duke. 2017. Prairie bird surveys on Missouri’s Audubon Conservation Ranching Lands in 2016. Missouri River Bird Observatory report to the National Audubon Society and the Missouri Department of Conservation. 12pp.
Shirkey, B. T., J. W. Simpson, and M. A. Picciuto. 2017. King rail (Rallus elegans) trapping efficiency and detection techniques in southwestern Lake Erie coastal marshes, USA. Waterbirds 40:69-73.
Soulliere, G. J., M. A. Al-Saffar, J. M. Coluccy, R. J. Gates, H. M. Hagy, J. W. Simpson, J. N. Straub, R. L. Pierce, M. W. Eichholz, and D. R. Luukkonen. 2017. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Waterfowl Habitat Conservation Strategy – 2017 Revision. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Soulliere, G. J., and M. A. Al-Saffar. 2017. Targeting conservation for waterfowl and people in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture Region. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2017-1, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Soulliere, G. J., J. M. Coluccy, and M. A. Al-Saffar. 2017. Deriving conservation objectives for non-breeding sea ducks in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture Region. Extended abstract in 6th International Sea Duck Conference proceedings.
Wyman, K. E., and F. J. Cuthbert. 2017. Black tern (Chlidonias niger) breeding site abandonment in U.S. Great Lakes coastal wetlands is predicted by historical abundance and patterns of emergent vegetation. Wetlands Ecology and Management 25:583–596.
Young, A. C. 2017. Seasonal fecundity and post-fledging survival and habitat selection of Henslow’s Sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii). Thesis, University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA.
Beatty, W. S., E. B. Webb, D. C. Kesler, L. W. Naylor, A. H. Raedeke, D. D. Humburg, J. M. Coluccy, and G. J. Soulliere. 2016. An empirical evaluation of landscape energetic models: Mallard and American Black Duck space use during the non-breeding period. Extended abstract in proceedings for 7th North American Waterfowl Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Beatty, W. S., D. C. Kesler, E. B. Webb, L. W. Naylor, A. H. Raedeke, D. D. Humburg, J. M. Coluccy, and G. J. Soulliere. 2016. How will predicted land use change affect Mallard spring migration stopover ecology? Inferences from an agent-based model. Extended abstract in proceedings for 7th North American Waterfowl Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Benson, T. J., and T. R. Dallas. 2016. Red-headed woodpecker habitat use in upland and floodplain areas: Implications for region-wide conservation and management. Illinois Natural History Survey Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes Joint Venture (Grant #:INTF12AP00173).
Climate and Birds Advisory Team. 2016. Avian climate response models and managing landscapes for bird communities: the Climate and Birds Advisory Team sessions. (CBAT authors – E. Babij, J. Broska, S. Finn, K. Freund, N. Hoffman, T. Jones, S. Veloz, T. Miewald, M. Rubenstein, G. Soulliere, J. Takekawa, S. Traxler, and C. Wilsey). Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Science Applications and National Audubon Society Science Division. Falls Church, Virginia and San Francisco, California, USA.
Coluccy, J. M., P. M. Castelli,, P. K. Devers, H. M. Hagy, M. L. Mallory, G. J. Soulliere, and C. K. Williams. 2016. American Black Duck Bioenergetics Model: A Synthesis of Research and Results. Extended abstract in 7th North American Waterfowl Symposium Special Session: The Pride of the Salt Marsh, Status and Future Conservation of the American Black Duck. Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Cuthbert, F. J., and K. E. Wyman. 2016. Historical and current Black Tern habitat relationships in the Great Lakes region. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
England, J. C. 2016. Intestinal helminth infections, distributions, and associations with health parameters of spring-migrating female lesser scaup in the upper Midwest. Thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Finger, T. A., A. D. Afton, M. L. Schummer, S. A. Petrie, S. S. Badzinski, M. A. Johnson, M. L. Szymanski, K. J. Jacobs, G. H. Olsen, and M. A. Mitchell. 2016. Environmental factors influence lesser scaup migration chronology and population monitoring. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:1437–1449.
Osborn, J. M., H. M. Hagy, J. M. Levengood, A. P. Yetter, J. C. England, M. M. Horath, C. S. Hine, and D. R. McClain. 2016. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors determining diving duck condition and habitat quality during spring migration in the Upper Midwest. Illinois Natural History Survey, Technical Report 2016 (22).
Soulliere, G. J., J. E. Austin, and B. M. Kahler. 2016. Trends in North American diving duck hunting community with focus on scaup. Extended abstract in proceedings for 7th North American Waterfowl Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Soulliere, G. J. B. M. Kahler, and J. E. Austin. 2016. Multi-scaled analyses of lesser and greater scaup harvest in North America. Extended abstract in proceedings for 7th North American Waterfowl Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Wyman, K. E., and F. J. Cuthbert. 2016. Validation of landscape suitability indices for black terns (Chlidonias niger) in the U.S. Great Lakes region. Condor 118:613–623.
Beatty, W. S., E. B. Webb, D. C. Kesler, L. W. Naylor, A. H. Raedeke, D. D. Humburg, J. M. Coluccy, and G. J. Soulliere. 2015. An empirical evaluation of landscape energetic models: mallard and American black duck space use during the non-breeding period. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:1141–1151.
Boyer, R. A. 2015. Factors influencing breeding season survival of female Mallards in the Great Lakes Region. Thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA.
Gatti, R. C. 2015. Predictions of blue-winged teal and mallard breeding pair density in Wisconsin. Report to Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, a partial analysis from the project titled Evaluating Factors Limiting Blue-winged Teal Production and Survival in the Great Lakes Region. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Hagy, H. M., A. P. Yetter, J. M. Osborn, M. M. Horath, C. S. Hine, D. R. McClain, K. M. Walter, A. D. Gilbert, T. J. Benson, J. M. Fox, and M. P. Ward. 2015. Illinois Waterfowl Surveys and Investigations W-43-R-62 Annual Progress Report. Illinois Natural History Survey, Technical Report 2015 (39).
Monfils, M. J., P. W. Brown, D. B. Hayes, and G. J. Soulliere. 2015. Post-breeding and early fall migrant bird use and characteristics of diked and undiked coastal marsh in Michigan. Waterbirds 38:373–386.
Norris, K. A. 2015. Body mass dynamics, stopover durations, and habitat conditions for migrant shorebirds in the southwestern Lake Erie marsh region. Thesis, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.
Ringleman, K. M., C. K. Williams, P. K. Devers, J. M. Coluccy, P. M. Castelli, K. A. Anderson, J. L. Bowman, G. R. Costanzo, D. M. Cramer, M. T. Dibona, M. W. Eichholz, M. Huang, B. Lewis Jr., D. M. Plattner, and T. Yerkes. 2015. A meta-analysis of American black duck winter habitat use along the Atlantic Coast. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:1298–1307.
Specht, H. M., T. Kerr, C. Trosen, and J. M. Coluccy. 2015. Waterfowl breeding habitat use in the Great Lakes states. Final Report to the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture.
Beatty, W. S., D. C. Kesler, E. B. Webb, A. H. Raedeke, L. W. Naylor, and D. D. Humburg. 2014. The role of protected area wetlands in waterfowl habitat conservation: implications for protected area network design. Biological Conservation 176:144–152.
Beatty, W. S., E. B. Webb, D. C. Kesler, A. H. Raedeke, L. W. Naylor, and D. D. Humburg. 2014. Landscape effects on mallard habitat selection at multiple spatial scales during the non-breeding period. Landscape Ecology 29:989–1000.
Kahler, B. M., and V. S. Cavalieri. 2014. Modelling Great Lakes Piping Plover habitat selection during the breeding period from local to landscape scales. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2014-1, Bloomington, MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Indiana 23 – Prairie Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State x BCR Assessment: Indiana 24 – Central Hardwoods. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Iowa 23 – Prairie Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Michigan 23 – Prairie Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Minnesota 23 – Prairie Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Ohio 22/23 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Prairie Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Ohio 13 – Lower Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Plain. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Kahler, B.M., R.L Pierce, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Wisconsin 23 – Prairie Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Ewert, D. N., C. L. Roy, G. J. Soulliere, and R. L. Pierce. 2014. Stakeholder input for revision of the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Landbird Habitat Conservation Strategy. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2014-2, Bloomington, MN, USA.
Monfils, M. J. 2014. Expanding the Michigan Marsh Bird Survey to facilitate conservation at multiple scales. Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Report Number 2014-25, Lansing, USA.
Monfils, M. J., P. W. Brown, D. B. Hayes, G. J. Soulliere, and E. N. Kafcas. 2014. Breeding bird use and wetland characteristics of diked and undiked coastal marsh in Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:79–92.
Monfils, M. J., D. B. Hayes, B. M. Kahler, and G. J. Soulliere. 2014. Evaluating marsh bird habitat use at multiple scales to inform conservation design. Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Report Number 2014-03, Lansing, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Illinois 22 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Indiana 22 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Iowa 22 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Kansas 22 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Michigan 12 – Boreal Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State x BCR Assessment: Minnesota 12 – Boreal Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Missouri 22 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State X BCR Assessment: Nebraska 22 – Eastern Tallgrass Prairie. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington MN, USA.
Pierce, R.L., B.M. Kahler, and G.J. Soulliere. 2014. State x BCR Assessment: Wisconsin 12 – Boreal Hardwood Transition. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, MN, USA.
Powers, N., M. Brouder, S. Blomquist, B. Potter, J. Dingledine, C. Deloria, G. Soulliere, T. Kerr, and K. Steiger-Meister. 2014. Selecting surrogate species for strategic habitat conservation in the Upper Midwest Great Lakes geography. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Midwest Region Technical Report, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Smith, R., J. Buler, and J. Owen. Habitat use by spring migrating landbirds within the Great Lakes Basin with special emphasis on shorebird habitats. Final Report to the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture (Grant Aggreement F12AC00182). Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Williams, C. K., B. D. Dugger, M. G. Brasher, J. M. Coluccy, D. M. Cramer, J. M. Eadie, M. J. Gray, H. M. Hagy, M. Livolski, S. R. McWilliams, M. Petrie, G. J. Soulliere, J. M. Tirpak, and E. Webb. 2014. Estimating habitat carrying capacity for waterfowl: considerations, pitfalls, and improvements. Wildfowl – Special Issue, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, United Kingdom 4:407–435.
Anderson, K. A. 2013. Migration routes and chronology of American black ducks. Thesis, University of Delaware, Newark, USA.
Brasher, M. G., M. J Petrie, G. J. Soulliere, and J. M. Tirpak. 2013. So how does this affect our day job? Joint Venture perspectives on delivering habitat programs in the face of scientific uncertainty. Extended abstract in proceedings of Ecology and Conservation of North American Waterfowl Symposium, Memphis TN, USA.
Cuthbert, F. J., and L. Wires. 2013. The fourth decadal U.S. Great Lakes Colonial Waterbird Survey (2007-2010): results and recommendations to improve the scientific basis for conservation and management. Final Report submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Bloomington Minnesota, USA.
Denton, J. C., C. L. Roy, G. J. Soulliere, and B. A. Potter. 2013. Nest site availability for cavity-nesting ducks in the Midwestern U.S. Extended abstract in proceedings of Ecology and Conservation of North American Waterfowl Symposium Proceedings, Memphis TN, USA.
Kahler, B. M. 2013. Area-sensitivity, landscape habitat associations and distribution of breeding marsh birds within the glaciated region of Ohio, USA. Thesis, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.
Korte, J. L. 2013. Landscape characteristics of upland sandpiper habitat in Michigan. Thesis, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Larkin, D. J., R. S. Brady, B. M. Kahler, K. E. Koch, D. G. Krementz, M. J. Monfils, G. J. Soulliere, and W. B. Webb. 2013. Collaborative research on secretive marsh birds in the Midwest regions: linking monitoring and wetland management. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report 2013-1.
Luukkonen, D. R., S. R. Winterstein, E. N. Kafcas, and B. T. Shirkey. 2013. Impacts of dreissenid mussels on the distribution and abundance of diving ducks on Lake St. Clair. Pages 647–660 in T. R. Nalepa and D. W. Schloessor, editors. Quagga and Zebra Mussels: biology, impact, and control, 2nd Edition. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
Poppe, D. E. 2013. Residence time and management of migrating Dunlin (Calidris alpina hudsonia) at Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan. Thesis, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, USA.
Soulliere, G. J., B. W. Loges, E. M. Dunton, D. R. Luukkonen, M. E. Eichholz, and K. E. Koch. 2013. Monitoring Midwest waterfowl during the non-breeding period: priorities, challenges and recommendations. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4:395–405.
Denton, J. C., C. L. Roy, G. J. Soulliere, and B. A. Potter. 2012. Change in density of duck nest cavities at forests in the North Central United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 3:76–88.
Denton, J. C., C. L. Roy, G. J. Soulliere, and B. A. Potter. 2012. Current and projected abundance of potential nest sites for cavity-nesting ducks in hardwoods of the North Central United States. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:422–432.
Duke, E. C. 2013. Missouri Marsh Bird Survey Report 2012: establishing long-term marsh bird monitoring in Missouri. Report to Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture.
Kennedy, J. L. 2012. Vital rates and nest characteristics of ring-necked ducks in North Central Minnesota. Thesis, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota, USA.
Monfils, M. J., D. B. Hayes, B. M. Kahler, and G. J. Soulliere. 2012. Evaluating relationships between habitat variables and marsh bird use of Great Lakes coastal wetlands at multiple scales. Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Report Number 2012-07, Lansing, USA.
NAWMP. 2012. North American Waterfowl Management Plan 2012: people conserving waterfowl and wetlands. Canadian Wildlife Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Secretaria de Medio Amiente y Recursos Naturales. Writing Team: J. Ringleman, M. Anderson, R. Clark, J. Eadie, M. Koneff, A. Raedeke, and G. Soulliere.
NAWMP. 2012. NAWMP Action Plan: a companion document to the 2012 North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Canadian Wildlife Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Secretaria de Medio Amiente y Recursos Naturales. Writing Team: J. Ringleman, M. Anderson, R. Clark, J. Eadie, M. Koneff, A. Raedeke, and G. Soulliere.
O’Neal, B. J., J. D. Stafford, and R. P. Larkin. 2012. Stopover duration of fall migrating dabbling ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:285–293.
Rodewald, P. G., and M. Shumar. 2012. Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas II (2006-2011): completion of statewide abundance surveys in the final field season. Final Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3. Bloomington Minnesota, USA.
Shirkey, B. T. 2012. Diving duck abundance and distribution on Lake St. Clair and Western Lake Erie. Thesis, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA.
Smith R. V., J. D. Stafford, A. P. Yetter, M. M. Horath, C. S. Hine, and J. P. Hoover. 2012. Foraging ecology of fall-migrating shorebirds in the Illinois River Valley. PLoS ONE 7(9): e45121. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045121.
Soulliere, G. J., B. M. Kahler, T. A. Bowman, M. G. Brasher, M. A. Johnson, R. S. Holbrook, M. J. Petrie, J. L. Vest, and S. M. Slattery. 2012. Process for developing the 2012 NAWMP map – geographies of greatest continental significance to North American waterfowl. North American Waterfowl Management Plan Science Support Team Technical Report 2012-1.
Soulliere, G. J., B. Loges, and E. Dunton. 2012. Monitoring waterfowl in the Midwest during the non-breeding period: 2011 workshop review and recommendations. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2012-1, Bloomington Minnesota, USA.
Soulliere G. J., B. M. Kahler, M. J. Monfils, K. E. Koch, R. Brady, and T. Cooper. 2012. Coordinated conservation and monitoring of secretive marsh birds in the Midwest – 2012 workshop review and recommendations. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report No. 2012-2, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Straub, J. N., R. J. Gates, R. D. Schultheis, T. Yerkes, J. M. Coluccy, and J. D. Stafford. 2012. Wetland food resources for spring-migrating ducks in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:768–777.
Ward, M., K. Stodola, B. O’Neil, M. Alessi, J. Deppe, T. Beveroth, T. Dallas, and T. J. Benson. 2012. Stopover ecology of American golden-plovers. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Coluccy, J. M., and J. Bowman. 2011. Black Duck satellite radio (PTT) telemetry study: examining local and geographic habitat use patterns over the annual life cycle and connections among significant biomes. Final Report to the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Hagy, H. M., J. N. Straub, and R. M. Kaminski. 2011. Estimation and correction of seed recovery bias from moist-soil cores. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:959–966.
Heglund, P. J., M. S. Meier, E. Kirsch, M. Suarez, P. G. Rodewald, and D. L. Slager. 2011. Combining radio telemetry and ground technologies to evaluate landbird migration and identify stopover locations along the Upper Mississippi River System. FWS / USGS Field Report to Migratory Bird Management and the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Petrie, M. J., M. G. Brasher, G. J. Soulliere, J. M. Tirpak, D. B. Pool, and R. R. Reker. 2011. Guidelines for establishing joint venture waterfowl population abundance objectives. North American Waterfowl Management Plan Science Support Team Technical Report 2011-1.
Roy, C., C. Herwig, J. Kennedy, and E. Rave. 2011. Vital rates of nesting ring-necked ducks in the boreal forest of Northern Minnesota. Final Report to the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Seefelt, N. E. 2011. Migrant stopover site quality and use on northern Great Lakes islands. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA.
Smith, R. V., J. D. Stafford, A. P. Yetter, C. J. Whelan, C. S. Hine, and M. M. Horath. 2011. Foraging thresholds of spring migrating dabbling ducks in central Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey, Technical Report 2011 (37).
Thogmartin, W. E., B. A. Potter, and G. J. Soulliere. 2011. Bridging the conservation design and delivery gap for wetland-bird habitat conservation in the Midwestern United States. Journal of Conservation Planning 7:1–12.
Brasher, M. G. 2010. Duck use and energetic carrying capacity of actively and passively managed wetlands in Ohio during autumn and spring migration. Dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.
Koch, K. E., T. Will, G. J. Soulliere, B. Bartush, R. Mordecai, and R. Brady. 2010. Framework for the Midwest Coordinated Bird Monitoring Partnership: 2010–2012. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA.
Potter, B. A., B. M. Kahler, and G. J. Soulliere. 2010. Development of decision support tools for the Wabash River and Sugar Creek Floodplain Initiative. Report prepared for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
Robertson, B., S. Sillett, R. Rice, and D. Landis. 2010. Perennial biomass feed-stocks as a new source of en-route habitat for spring migrating birds. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA. (Grant # 30181AG045).
Smith, R. V., J. D. Stafford, A. P. Yetter, C. S. Hine, and M. M. Horath. 2010. Foraging ecology of fall migrating shorebirds in the Illinois River Valley. Illinois Natural History Survey, Technical Report 2010 (23).
Stafford, J. D., M. M. Horath, A. P. Yetter, R. V. Smith, and C. S. Hine. 2010. Historical and contemporary characteristics and waterfowl use of Illinois River Valley wetlands. Wetlands 30:565–576.
Wires, L. R., S. J. Lewis, G. J. Soulliere, S. W. Matteson, D. V. “Chip” Weseloh, R. P. Russell, and F. J. Cuthbert. 2010. Upper Mississippi Valley / Great Lakes Waterbird Conservation Plan. A plan associated with the Waterbird Conservation for the Americas Initiative. Final Report submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA.
Brasher, M. G., G. J. Soulliere, J. M. Tirpak, M. J. Petrie, J. L. Coppen, D. B. Pool, and R. R. Reker. 2009. Regional population abundance objectives for waterfowl conservation planning in North America – recommendations for consistency. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Denton, J. C. 2009. Current and projected nest site availability for cavity-nesting waterfowl in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region. Thesis, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA.
Denton, J. C., C. L. Roy, G. J. Soulliere, B. A. Potter. 2009. Current and projected nest site availability for cavity-nesting waterfowl in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Monfils, M. J. 2009. Bird use of diked and undiked coastal wetlands in Michigan. Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA.
Potter, B. A., and G. J. Soulliere. 2009. Breeding waterfowl habitat objectives accommodate other marsh birds in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture Region. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Potter, B. A., and G. J. Soulliere. 2009. Generating abundance and distribution estimates for breeding waterfowl in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture Region. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Potter, B. A., G. J. Soulliere, J. M Coluccy, R. C. Gatti, C. Roy, D. R. Luukkonen, P. W. Brown, M. W. Eichholz. 2009. Waterfowl research and monitoring priorities for the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture Region. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Soulliere, G. J., B. J. Frawley, R. B. Peyton, and P. A. Bull. 2009. Comparing opinions and satisfaction of a Citizen Advisory Committee to other Michigan waterfowl hunter stakeholders. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Soulliere, G. J., B. A. Potter, J. M. Coluccy. 2009. Establishing non-breeding habitat objectives for diving ducks in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture Region. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Soulliere, G. J., B. A. Potter, J. C. Denton. 2009. Wood duck nest box programs: viable management or perpetuating myths? Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Tirpak, J. M., M. G. Brasher, B. D. Dugger, J. M. Eadie, R. S. Hobrook, K. J. Reinecke, R. R. Reker, G. J. Soulliere, W. B. Uihlein, and B. C. Wilson. 2009. Linking winter waterfowl habitat to survival: challenges and opportunities in measuring conservation effect. Extended abstract in proceedings for Fifth North American Duck Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Amphipod densities and indices of wetland quality across the Upper Midwest, USA. Wetlands 28:184–196.
Bolenbaugh, J. R., and D. G. Krementz. 2008. Assessing an expert-based landscape approach to predict King Rail (Rallus elegans) distribution. Report to Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA.
Coluccy, J. M., T. Yerkes, R. Simpson, J. W. Simpson, L. Armstrong, and J. Davis. 2008. Population dynamics of breeding mallards in the Great Lakes states. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1181–1187.
Davis, J. I. 2008. Mallard nesting ecology in the Great Lakes. Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, USA.
Hitchcock, A. N. 2008. Diets of spring migrating waterfowl in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region. Thesis, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA.
Monfils, M. J., and P. W. Brown. 2008. Effects of hydrologic isolation via dike construction on avian communities using Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Final Report to Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA.
Pankau, A. K. 2008. Examining cost effectiveness of actively and passively managed wetlands for migrating and wintering waterfowl in Southern Illinois. Thesis, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA.
Straub, J. N. 2008. Energetic carrying capacity of habitats used by spring-migrating ducks in the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region. Thesis, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.
Potter, B. A., R. J. Gates, G. J. Soulliere, R. P. Russell, D. A. Granfors, and D. N. Ewert. 2007. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Shorebird Habitat Conservation Strategy. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA. 101pp.
Potter, B. A., G. J. Soulliere, D. N. Ewert, M. G. Knutson, W. E. Thogmartin, J. S. Castrale, and M. J. Roell. 2007. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Landbird Habitat Conservation Strategy. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA. 124pp.
Simpson, J. W., T. Yerkes, T. D. Nudds, and B. D. Smith. 2007. Effects of habitat on mallard duckling survival in the Great Lakes Region. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1885–1891.
Smith, R. V. 2007. Evaluation of waterfowl habitat and spring food selection by mallard and lesser scaup on the Swan Lake, Illinois Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project. Thesis, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA.
Soulliere, G. J., B. A. Potter, J. M. Coluccy, R. C. Gatti., C. L. Roy, D. R. Luukkonen, P. W. Brown, and M. W. Eichholz. 2007. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Waterfowl Habitat Conservation Strategy. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA. 117pp.
Soulliere, G. J., B. A. Potter, D. J. Holm, D. A. Granfors, M. J. Monfils, S. J. Lewis, and W. E. Thogmartin. 2007. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Waterbird Habitat Conservation Strategy. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA. 68pp.
Stafford, J. D., M. M. Horath, A. P. Yetter, R. V. Smith, and C. S. Hine. 2007. Historical and contemporary characteristics of Illinois River Valley wetlands: a geospatial database for conservation planning and evaluation. Illinois Natural History Survey, Technical Report 2007 (51).
Stafford, J. D., M. M. Horath, A. P. Yetter, C. S. Hine, and S. P. Havera. 2007. Wetland use by mallards during spring and fall in the Illinois and Central Mississippi River Valleys. Waterbirds 30:394–402.
UMRGLR JV. 2007. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Implementation Plan (compiled by G. J. Soulliere and B. A. Potter). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Snelling, Minnesota, USA. 75pp.
Yerkes, T., R. Page, R. Macleod, L. Armstrong, G. Soulliere, and R. Gatti. 2007. Predicted distribution and characteristics of wetlands used by mallard pairs in five Great Lakes states. American Midland Naturalist 157:356–364.
Ewert, D. N., G. J. Soulliere, R. D. Macleod, M. C. Shieldcastle, P. G. Rodewald, E. Fujimura, J. Shieldcastle, and R. J. Gates. 2006. Migratory bird stopover site attributes in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Final Report to The George Gund Foundation.
O’Neal, R. P., and G. J. Soulliere. 2006. Conservation guidelines for Michigan lakes and associated natural resources. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Special Report 38, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Simpson, J. W., T. J. Yerkes, B. D. Smith, and T. D. Nudds. 2005. Mallard duckling survival in the Great Lakes Region. Condor 107:898–909.
Soulliere, G. J. 2005. Role of the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture and synopsis of bird conservation initiatives. Report prepared for the Joint Venture Management Board. Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint Venture Technical Report 2005-01. Ft. Snelling Minnesota, USA.