JV Research and Monitoring Priorities

Evaluation via monitoring and research are critical to measure population trends and management results, fill information gaps, and to improve management decisions. Monitoring and research objectives were established and prioritized in each of the JV bird-group strategies, and are periodically reviewed and updated by the JV Science Team. These objectives are intended to guide JV partners in designing the highest priority research and monitoring projects to meet our shared objectives, and are also used by the JV Technical Committee to review and rank proposals submitted to the JV for funding through our annual JV grants program.

» View an in-depth look at our Monitoring and Research priorities.

Understanding Our Priorities

Monitoring is designed and implemented to measure progress toward meeting JV population goals and habitat objectives.

Research is designed to answer specific questions that arise from uncertainties or assumptions inherent in conservation planning and implementation.

Joint Venture Publications

The UMGL JV is pleased to provide reports and publications resulting from JV-supported research and monitoring from 2005 to the present. Only projects with JV financial support or direct collaboration from JV staff are included.

» View our Publications