In response to major declines in Connecticut Warbler populations across the northern United States, the Northern Forest Bird Network convened a one-day virtual summit on October 21, 2022, aimed at information exchange and preliminary conservation planning for this species.

Connecticut Warbler habitat, by Brian Collins

Led by Ryan Brady of Wisconsin DNR and Dr. Alexis Grinde of the University of Minnesota-Duluth, the summit brought together via Zoom 27 participants from the United States and Canada.

The morning featured presentations that highlighted status, trends, and habitat for every state and province in the breeding range, as well as updates on wintering ground research and habitat. The afternoon transitioned to discussions of research and monitoring needs; threats and limiting factors; and how to advance priority conservation actions.

Female Connecticut Warbler, by Brian Collins

Male Connecticut Warbler, by Brian Collins

The Northern Forest Bird Network and its partners are excited to take this much-needed step toward addressing range-wide declines in Connecticut Warblers. Stay tuned for additional updates as this collaborative effort moves forward in the year ahead. In the meantime, please direct any questions or comments to Ryan Brady,, or Alexis Grinde,