We are excited to officially announce the selection of Doug Gorby as the new Coordinator for the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture! His official start date will be Tuesday, May 28th, and his office will be located at the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s East Lansing Field Office.

Doug brings a wealth of experience in bird and natural resource conservation to the position, as well as public and philanthropic fundraising. Doug previously worked with Ducks Unlimited for the last ten years where he served in a variety of roles in the organization in the 21-state Great Lakes/Atlantic Region, from Regional Biologist to Director of Conservation Programs, most recently. In his most recent role, he was responsible for the development and delivery of conservation projects in the Region, and worked with his team to successfully secure and implement several standard and small NAWCA grants, among other federal, state, and NGO-funded projects. Success in this position required developing strong relationships with conservation partners, including regional partnerships such as the Upper Mississippi/Great Lakes JV (where Doug served as a Board member) as well as Flyway Councils and other cross-jurisdictional planning and policy bodies.

Please welcome Doug to the Joint Venture, and stay tuned for a future post from Doug introducing himself and his vision for his new role with the JV.