Great Lakes Stopover Map Tool: Download
Prioritizing Migratory Bird Stopover Habitat Along Great Lakes Shorelines.
This report describes the first phase of this project, which developed the spatial predictions that are shown on the Map page and which can be downloaded on the Downloads page. It explains the models, methods, and the literature used to support them; describes additional criteria known or hypothesized to be important for stopover habitat quality and migration decisions that could not be included in the model, and discusses the results.
Suggested Citation: Ewert, D.N., P.J. Doran, K.R. Hall, A. Froehlich, J. Cannon, J.B. Cole, and K.E. France. 2012. On a wing and a (GIS) layer: Prioritizing migratory bird stopover habitat along Great Lakes shorelines. Final report to the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative.